ReDSL Examples

Example 1: Offsite Backup Tool

file "dummy" {
package "Project Mission"

§1 {Provide a solution to automatically offsite-backup your local NAS backup.}

package "Use Cases"

§u1 {As a user, I want to simply backup my Mac to my local NAS with Time Machine, not more.}
§u2 {As a user, I want an offsite backup of my Time Machine backup for desaster recovery (fire, water, theft, etc.).}
§u3 {As a user, I want to use a second NAS at my dad's place as second tier backup location OR I want to use a virtual server in a data center as second tier backup location.}
§u4 {As a user, I want a simple recovery of my data from the offsite backup in case I need it (because I probably care for other things in that situation as well...).}
§u5 {As a user, I want to regularely backup all my photos and family videos (>1 TB, >150.000 files) to the remote location.}
§u6 {As a user, I don't want my notebook to handle all this remote-backup stuff. I want my NAS to do all the work in the background.}
§u7 {As an administrator, I want the backup to run automatically.}
§u8 {As an administrator, I want automatic security updates for all involved systems.}
§u9 {As relative, I want easy access to the backuped data in case of a fatal desaster.}

package "Solution Design Requirements (in the order of their priority)"

§dr1 {Automatic}
§dr2 {Safe and Robust}
§dr3 {Performant and ressource aware}
§dr4 {Platform independent}

package "Design Decisions"

§dd1 {Interrupted transmissions shall not render the second tier backup inconsistent (Reading the system state shall be atomic)}
§dd2 {Changes on the first tier during backup to the second tier shall not render the backup on the second tier inconsistent (Writing the system state shall be atomic)}
§dd2 {Only deltas shall be transfered over WAN}
§dd2 {The solution shall be standards-based to the greatest possible extend.}
§dd2 {No need to patch the components}

package "Runtime Enviroment Requirements (Assumptions/System Requirements/Restrictions)"

§rr1 {Solution can execute code on local NAS and remote storage (e.g. two Synology Diskstations with ssh-access)}
§rr2 {Local and remote storage can run rsync}
§rr3 {Local NAS provides file system based snapshot functionality (e.g. btrfs)}
§rr4 {Remote storage support hard-links}
§rr5 {The onsite backup can simply be replicated, no need to select/filter files or to provide version management. (This shall be provided by the first tier backup solution, e.g. Time Machine, if needed.)}
§rr6 {The backup process shall work starting from an effectiv 2 MBit WAN uplink connection.}

package "System Design"

§sd1 {bash script with standard tools (Linux-environment)}
§sd2 {simple and standard file structure of the second tier backup}
§sd3 {Automatic detection of activity in a target backup folder (e.g. is Time Machine currently running?)}
§sd4 {Local snapshot via btrfs before transmission (any alternatives?)}
§sd5 {rsync --link-dest for data transmission}
§sd6 {remove second tier backups after succesful transmission}
§sd7 {remove local snapshot}

document "Offsite Backup" {
    package "Project Mission"
    package "Use Cases"
    package "Solution Design Requirements (in the order of their priority)"
    package "Design Decisions"
    package "Runtime Enviroment Requirements (Assumptions/System Requirements/Restrictions)"
    package "System Design"
    glossary local

 The current prototype of the ReDSL compiler creates the folowing Word document: OffsiteBackup.docx (PDF Version generated with Mircosoft Word for Mac Version 16.16.8)